Mind Exercise

Care for some brain splitting puzzles and games?

I won't say that the stuff below are so hard and challenging, but it is more likely to keep you occupied.


For this 'magic square', there are 3 columns and three rows. The purpose of this game is to fill in the green boxes with a number from 1 to 9 so that all the numbers in the same row or column will add up to 15. REMEMBER!!! Use the numbers only once, and it must all add up to 15, whether horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The number in the middle is already given.




Yes, this was invented by the CHINESE during the 12th century BC (VERY long ago). It is described in the Chinese book of divination 'I Ching'.

Magic square taken from the 'Reader's DIgest Book of Facts'.





This is an intelligent test where you are shown a number of boxes and asked to choose the one which is different. Which one of the following is the odd one out??

A                           B                          C                          D                         E


Classification test taken from the 'NOKIA Boleh Quarterly Newsletter Special Edition 2002'.



How many squares and rectangles can be found in the diagram below??              


Can you see some dark circles on the lines? Those are optical illusions. It's true. I'm not bluffing. What makes you think I have time to put those 'special effects' in??

Squares & Rectangles taken from the 'NOKIA Boleh Third Quarter Issue 2002'.