Language Centre |
I set this 'Centre' up because I know that a lot of people would like to learn a few stuff in other languages. If you're expecting something that can help you speak perfect Japanese or German in three months time, then you've come to the wrong place. This section introduces a few simple sentences in foreign languages, sentences which I know of...and I so happen to not speak French or Dutch. But if you know some extra stuff, don't be shy to share it with me... It's kinda hard to pronounce words of different languages, so I gave you some pronunciation guide which is in the brackets and Italic. But it's still hard, so I suggest you just use it only to chat online... can't go wrong like that... |
Dutch How are you? = Hoe gaat het met jou? (hoo CHaht et met jau) Thank you = Dank u wel (dank oo vel) I can't speak Dutch = Ik spreek geen Nederlands (ick spreyk CHeyn neederlands) Do you speak English? = Spreekt u Engels? (spreykt oo eengels?) I am... = Ik ben...(ick ben) Goodbye = Tot ziens (tot zeens) 1 = een (eyn), 2 = twee (tvey), 3 = drie (dree), 4 = vier (feer), 5 = vijf (feyf) 6 = zes (zess), 7 = zeven (zeyveh), 8 = acht (aCHt), 9 = negen (neyCHeh) 10 = tien (teen) |
CH is not pronounced as ch... It actually sounds like 'h' but you constrain your throat when you pronounce it...Do you actually have any idea what I'm talking about? |
French Hello / Good morning or afternoon = Bonjour (bozur) Thank you = Merci (mersi) Excuse me = Excusez-moi (ekskyze mwa) Goodbye = Au revoir (au revwar) How are you? = Comment allez-vous? (komo alé vou) I am... = Je suis... (jee sui) I don't speak French = Je ne parle pas très bien francais (jee nee parlé pa tré bié frasé) Do you speak English? = Parlez-vous anglais? (parle vou aglé) |
French is hard to pronounce if you follow everything they write down. Usually they don't pronounce 'z' and 's'. It's just there to look fancy. sound correct, just pronounce it with an exaggerated accent. |
Japanese Hello = こんにちは(konichiwa) Thank you = (arigato gozaimatsu) Yes = (hai) Goodbye = (sayonara) What? = (nani?) Cute / adorable = (kawai) Go die = (shiné) - "hey, don't use this okay?" Father = otousan, Mother = okasan, Elder brother = anisan, Elder sister = anesan Younger brother = otoutosan, Younger sister = imotosan "I know that there isn't much here...that's because I don't own a Japanese dictionary. But I promise to buy one soon...And I'm not 100% sure if I got them all correct..." |
Japanese people usually pronounce 'tsu' as 'ts' 'u' sound. So it means that 'gozaimatsu' is pronounced as 'gozaimats'. Notice that Japanese people always address another with the word 'san'. Like BumbleBee will be addressed as BumbleBee-san. |
Chinese (Mandarin) How are you? = (ni hau ma?) Thank you = (xie xie) I don't speak Mandarin = (wo bu hui jiang hua yu) My name is... = (wo de ming zi shi...) Goodbye / See you again = (zai jian) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = (yi er san si wu liu qi ba jiu shi) (Proverb) Stingy person = (tie gong ji) = iron chicken |
Chinese is one of the hardest languages to master because basically you must memorize all the different symbols. There are four tones when speaking Mandarin. But I'm too lazy to put it down... |