E-Mail Stuff 9

Money Test

Take the test and decide what type of person you are when it comes to money issues.

Question 1

When it comes to billing and your food cost $450. If your wallet contains a $1000, a $500, five $100 and a $50, which would you use to pay the bill?

  a) $1000

  b) $500

  c) Five $100

  d) Four $100 & a $50 so that there is no change needed

Question 2

You have the urge to eat a set meal, on a menu there are four different choices with different cost, you would choose:

  a) Less than $100

  b) $200

  c) $300

  d) The most expensive one

Question 3

If somewhere near your house was on fire and the situation only allows you to take one thing with you before you escape, you would take

  a) Childhood photo

  b) Bank book

  c) A bag of rice

  d) Clothes that you just bought

Question 4

When you are about to water your flower, it started to rain lightly, you would:

  a) Decide not to water as it had rain anyway

  b) Continue to water, as you are use to the routine

  c) Think it’s only a small rain; the water won't be enough so just water a little first

  d) Wait and see how it goes


1)  A-1      B-3      C-5      D-5

2)  A-5      B-5      C-3      D-1

3)  A-1      B-5      C-3      D-3

4)  A-1      B-5      C-3      D-3

What's your score?    


[4 -10] ----- Type A

Money means a lot to you, are a very vain and materialistic person. You would use a big amount of money to buy the things that you fancy. You not only spend a lot, your desire to own a thing is also very strong.

[11-15] ----- Type B

You are an average person. You would spend relatively to the amount of money you have. You would save when required and spend when permitted.

[16-20] ----- Type C

To others, you may appear to be very stingy but you have the ability to earn money and you won't spend it anyhow. You have full control over your money matters.


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